Monday, October 18, 2010

"MIDTERM REFLECTIONS"Blogging in 60 seconds

Some Fun Stuff we do in Prof. Rob Williams class

1. After studying 21st century media for eight weeks in this class, what have you learned?

I have learned about Hollywood and how they portray Arabs. I learned techniques people use to convince others to use or buy ones products. I learn how to use persuasive techs like bandwagon and fear. I also learned how to use blogger fun, but difficult at the beginning.

2. What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself as a critical reader, a writer and a thinker in this class so far? I learned that I got to pay attention to what the media says to actually know the tools they are using. How well the brain can handle certain situations and how it will react. I learned how to use blogger to express myself.

3. What’s one thing you would do differently this first half of the semester if you were to take this class again? Study the power tools more because the 8 trends make only 70% sense to me 30% is still eluding me.

4. What’s one thing you would like me to do differently this first had of the semester if you were to take this class again? If I had to choose it would be explain how to use blogger more. I got stuck many times. Even though it was fun it was annoying. Make a tutorial video or something I don’t know.

5. Please comment on the usefulness of the power tools, our course blogs, your personal blogs, our in class quizzes, our films, and our books as learning tools.

1) Power Tools 10/10 – very fun to study. Helped me learn a lot about the mind and how it can be manipulated.

2) Course blog 9/10- It’s the best way to get HW done and for people who know if they are doing it right also. HW that we have a week to do should always get done no excuses except for emergencies.

3) Personal Blogs 10/10 Fun to express your opinion about something and have people tlak to you about it. Something that should not stop happening.

4) In class quiz- best way to make sure people show up. It was confusing at first, but it wasn’t hard. It helped make sure we were studying.

5) Films 9.6/10- They were informative and interesting. Definitely got the points across. The first film started out boring but got better.

6) The book 9.8/10- I like the book one of my favorite parts. I liked every chapter except for news papers it wasn’t as fun and basically told me everything I already knew. But the book so far was amazing.


  1. Ha ha, Sean!

    Fine mid-term blog reflections here.

    There are BLOGGER tutorials online - perhaps we should use them, yes? That's a good suggestion. Why don't you locate one you think is particularly good, and email to me the link?

    Or better yet, blog about it as a personal blog meditation?

    Onward, and audeamus,

    Dr. W

  2. I will definitely look for some because i think it would help students in years to come or maybe ill make one.
