Thursday, September 30, 2010

RADIO RADIO: Our Camp Champ "Champlain College in 60 Seconds" Radio Spot Production

Champlain College Radio Commercial

Team Ramrod

By: Ricky, Sean, James, Jacob

Ricky: Audeamus. Who doesn’t want to go to college?

Sean: We want to go to college!

James: Don’t you want to sit in class all day?

Jacob: Do homework?

Ricky: Take tests?

Sean: Get educated?

James: I go to Champlain and I love being in class all day and doing hours of homework!

Jacob: Sounds like 6 flags of fun to us!

Ricky: Champlain is located in the best town, with all of the best teachers!

Sean: Since beginning school at Champlain, my teachers are my best friends!

James: Do you like women?

Jacob: Pizza?

Ricky: The freezing cold?

Sean: Apply to Champlain now!

Jacob: I applied to Champlain and now I eat pizza with women in the freezing cold!

James: These students don’t lie; they love all of the benefits they get from Chaplain

Ricky: You can come to Champlain too for only 3 low payments of $9060.

Jacob: Now that’s an unbeatable price! Everyone should apply.

Sean: Audeamus

Media Meditations #2: World of Warcraft the family destroyer

(An elf avatar one of the many avatars available in WoW Image found here)

World of Warcraft
one of the most famous PC games ever made it is also consider one of the best Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games(MMORPG)ever made. World of Warcraft was made by Blizzard entertainment which is a smaller part of Activision Blizzard. World of Warcraft has many sequels/updates to them. The game holds the "Guinness World Record for the most popular MMORPG by subscribers. In April 2008, World of Warcraft was estimated to hold 62 percent of the MMORPG subscription market." World of Warcraft is very popular but is this game actually a family destroyer or just a harmless game?

The game sets you in some what of a medeval time period but it also has a variety of settings which might place you in the future there is also time travel and you are able to create your own avatar. The game allows you to go on multiple quest and meet real people also you talk to non-playable characters(NPC). The game gives you a wide variety of choices to set your avatar up with. You can also collect different weapons and be a certain class like a night, or an elf it is up to you to decide. You can go on over 1000 different quest and collect thousands of different items. The game lets you choose a sever also known as a realm they also fall into the category of PVP(player vs player) which is basically as it sounds a person versus another player, PVE(Player vs environment) which is more focused on quest and fighting different types of monsters RP(role playing) this is basically playing the storyline through. The last is RP-PVP(Roleplaying-player vs player) this is playing through the story, but also fighting against others. All this is an amazing trip, but it comes with a price. Blizzard Entertainment. has their subscribers pay a monthly fee ether by check or credit card or you can buy prepaid game cards which lets you play for a limited amount of time.

(Some Game play is found here)

The game plays in real time so everyone is basically in the same place and moving at somewhat the same pace. The game goes on and you play as your own avatar raising skills acquiring different talents and collecting money. The game has become its own phenomenon you see people going to cos-plays dressed up as characters from the game both men and women. People wait on the edge of their seats just waiting for the next installment. WoW has become so famous it has online clothing and items that you can buy from the game, but you must use real money. It has its own set of soda cans also.

(Cosplay girls Image found here)

If this is it why do so many people find it addictive? why do people ignore there own high-gene to play this game nearly if not 24-7? Some people like the aspects of competition so much that it pushes them to play this game that much more. People will ignore their responsibilities to play this game. Their is something I think about escaping reality being able to create a new identity that gets to people. The game is good, but is it worth worshiping? I don't really have an answer to some people yes to other no. The game hits great aspects of a persons life which helps draw their costumers in. A person who is a nobody in real life is a king of a castle in World of Warcraft. This is what appeals to people. The cosplay girls also help. World of Warcraft commericals are a mixture of media tools thrown at a person. Some commericals have humor like the one with Mr.T saying he is a night elf mo hawk this is funny because someone as tough as Mr.T shouldn't be playing video games. This also includes "Testimonial" a super star playing the same video game as me that is amazing. Some other include asking rhetorical questions like "whats your game" and "why aren't you playing yet."

(Another comedic video is here may not be suitable for kids)

World of Warcraft grabs peoples attention and holds it with a vice grip. If you have ever experience this game then you know how it is. The game does not appeal to everyone of course not, but it appeals to enough people that they are the number one online game around. The game can never get old because there is always another expansion pack and more to collect and more people to train to build your army. The game is sometime addictive. To the point we will not be willing to put it down. It is no wonder in some places it is given the nick name the family destroyer.

(An older Gentleman playing WoW while his baby is sleeping on his stomach image found here)

The game does do a good job at getting its points across and tapping into ones imagination. It holds its position as the most famous MMORPG around good. The game brings a lot of new things every time they have a new release. It also never disappoints its loyal fans. World of Warcraft deserves its attention and fans. Even so you must ask yourself can World Of Warcraft be destroying a family near you?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Media Meditation #1: Mac Vs P.C. the smack down.

Mac and PC in my opinion are two of the biggest computers types out there. Some people believe that Macs are better than PC while others believe Vice Versa. Just like everyone else I am entitled to my own opinion I believe PC is better than a Mac. It is not because I am a Mac hater or have never tried a Mac out before. I have tried Macs and they just don’t appeal to me. I find them harder to understand and use. I also believe it was more for someone who uses their left hand then right because my cousin who is left handed loves it because he says “More thing is on the left then the right.”

Aside from my personal opinion I want everyone to come to their own decisions. I want people to actually consider things carefully and only apply their personal opinion after they consider some of the facts and hit a deadlock.

Mac has spent a lot of money to produce Macs and give them this image that they are sicklier and cooler looking. The commercials with Mac VS PC shows Mac as some kind of young adult closer to the newer generations of kids, and while PC’s are some kind old style person who looks like a loser not very athletic nor is he close to the newer generation age.As shown below mac is more relaxed and does not have glasses which is something commonly stereotyped as a nerd.

This video is the "South Park version."
If you want to see a series of the real commercials Click here.

We all know the stereotypes."Apple's popular commercials have painted the picture in stark terms: There are two types of people, Mac people and PC people. And if the marketing is to be believed, the former is a hip, sport-coat-and-sneakers-¬wearing type of guy who uses his computer for video chatting, music mash-ups and other cool, creative pursuits that starchy, business-suited PC users could never really appreciate unless they tried them on the slick Apple interface. Then again, Windows PC enthusiasts probably think that Mac guy is a smug slacker with an overpriced toy that can't do any serious computing anyway."

Apple's commercials give a small bit "Humor" in their commercials. They do funny jokes about PC’s backing up and freezing. Mac also in their commercials uses a technique called “card stacking” they tell what you want to hear and not the whole story. “Yes I am a Mac I run fast….” They don’t tell you some of the problems like some famous computer games like starcraft overheats on the Mac and fails at times. "Linux" for example. Even though there are other computers Apple only really sees PC's as their opponents. As shown in the video below.

"South Park version rights go to South Park and their makers"

Even though at first glance Linux is not one of Apples big enemy they should still pay attention to them. Apple uses sometimes an either/or technique. Its buy Mac and be hip, happy, and have a fast cpu or get something else and be miserable.

Good things about Macs are their booting speed averages around 28.3 seconds. Their internet running speed is around 31 seconds. Their shutting down speed is a clean 4 seconds. They have impressive speed and bring it with great glamour. Macs are often better looking than P.C.

(A PC finally getting dirty image found here)

PC is not innocent ether they do throw dirt on their opponent just like Mac. PC’s are a little less direct about it but still they do. PC’s commercial usually show regular people to attract consumers. This is a persuasive technique called “plain folks.” They have a normal person with a normal budget searching for their laptop of their liking. The PC commercial at some point involves going into a Mac stores and calming they are too expensive. They also throw a little challenge in their if you can find a laptop in the price range you want you get to keep another technique called “maybe” not “bribery” it looks like they are bribing us, but really they are not because they are saying you might be the next person that is something you see in the lottery you have a chance of winning not a sure. This is shown in the video below

Like Macs PC's have an advantage while they are slower and their average start up time is 1min it does have a larger amount of space for a cheaper price. They do tend to get viruses but they also can play larger files more smoothly. They can play a high multitude of video games also. It also has a more sophisticated graphic card.

(Mac and PC getting along. image found here)

There is the good and there is the bad for both Macs and PCs but people forget what they have in common.Both kinds of laptops use Intel processors some PCs use processors from AMD. Both get memory, hard drives and graphics cards from the same place. They may say they are about different things, their multimedia and internet explorer are fairly similar. They have been going at it for awhile loyal costumers have judged without actually knowing facts who will you choose?

Who do you think is better MAC or PC?

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Greatest freaking blog ever

Hi world, and other parts of the universe

Greetest is my Nick Name. I was at one time a hardcore gamer. I became known as Greetest because i always said i was aiming to be the Greetest because i don't like to say Greatest. Plus my little sister could never say Greatest she always said Greetest.